"What to Make of the Situation?"

“I cannot control the situations in life, but I can control my OUTLOOK and response.”
A quote that is often read but a challenge for most to comprehend and follow at times--I, myself, included in that number.
Psalms 23: 1-6, “…He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name sake…”
The next verse (Ps. 23:4) says, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil…”
SO, whether God guides me down paths of righteousness or whether he guides me through the valley of darkness, HE IS MY GUIDE.
This is so simple, but yet so profound. Let it sink in for a moment.
IF you can grasp the vitality of knowing God IS guiding you despite what you are seeing with your physical eyes, you will have a breakthrough. Despite what the physical circumstances around you (in your life) seem to portray, that does NOT make it the outcome – remember that.
Here is an example of seeing a circumstance in the physical. In II Kings chapter 6 Elisha and his servant were residing in a city. The neighboring King wanted to capture Elisha so he sent troops to surround this city and retrieve him. The next morning the entire city was completely encircled by their enemy. All Elisha’s servant saw were numerous troops that had surrounded this city (Dothan). In II Kings 6:17, “And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes that he may see.” And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha (and the city).”
It is easy to see the circumstance in front of us instead of the Hand of God. We are human, so we naturally see the physical (what is right in front of us). It’s a challenge to look past the anxiety, the restless nights of sleep, the tears, the hurts that come, the rejections, the stress that builds because of burn out and tiredness, and the list could continue on. But God is MY GUIDE!
I need Him to guide me through my mountain top moments, yes. But where I need Him to guide me is when I am down in that Valley of Darkness, and I want to fear all evil that seemingly surrounds me and comes at me. When all I can see is just the physical aspects, I need guidance. The Lord is my Shephard, I shall not want, he LEADETH ME….
IF you can grasp this, the breakthrough will be exactly what happened with Elisha’s servant--YOUR eyes will be opened as well. You will see not just the circumstance, but you will see a circumstance with much opportunity in which God will bring you through. Hebrews 13:5, “…I will never leave you, nor forsake you…”
I cannot control what happens in this life, as much as I would love to at times. But, I know without any uncertainty that God is my guide through this life. In this I do have peace…
With this knowledge and understanding, this faith is my Guide. I can rest with peace knowing that this valley is not going to be a valley of death, merely just darkness. And remember this, the sun always rises.
Ps. 23, “The Lord is my Shephard…”